Thousands of us will live in simple house plans in Kenya, maybe due to finance or others love the unsophisticated that a house submits. Building homes is becoming a great altercation among the citizens, prices are rising and salaries are fixed. But with all these, a multitude of the citizens would prefer to leave the […]
There is a strong ignition to jump straight into home modeling projects. The earlier you start the projects the earlier you are done with the great hassle in the country. But all this will be in vain when proper preparations are not done. The cost of building a 5 bedroom maisonette in Kenya will be […]
How August 2022 Elections in Kenya will Impact Real Estate Market in Kisumu
Kisumu is one of the areas affected by political activities in Kenya’s political history. Raila Odinga enjoys massive in the county as it is considered one of his vital stronghold. Real estate market in Kisumu has been growing exponentially but with the current political climate, some factors may affect the real estate pattern. We have […]
How August 2022 Elections in Kenya will Impact Real Estate Market in Busia
Busia County is a border county with the neighboring country of Uganda. Busia County has 351,048 registered voters. We want to look at how the upcoming polls will impact the real estate market in Busia given that it has been Raila Odinga’s stronghold for a long time. Facts about Busia Busia County is located in […]
How August 2022 Elections in Kenya will Impact the Real Estate Market in Nakuru County.
Nakuru County has 941,619 registered voters as we head towards the August polls. It is one of the counties with the highest number of registered voters after Nairobi and Kiambu. It is one of the country’s economic bedrock and it will be interesting how August polls will impact the real estate market in Nakuru. Facts […]
How August 2022 Elections in Kenya will Impact the Real Estate Market in Baringo County
Baringo County is one of the least developed counties in Kenya. We want to look at how August polls will impact the real estate market in Baringo county. Facts about Baringo Baringo County is situated in the Rift Valley Region and shares borders with 8 counties: West Pokot to the North West, Turkana to the […]
How August 2022 Elections in Kenya will Impact Real Estate Market in Kiambu
Kiambu is the richest county in Kenya. With the second highest GDP after Nairobi, it is one of the counties with an established real estate market. Kiambu has 1,180,920 registered voters as we head towards the polls. This is a very huge figure for the presidential vote. In this article, we want to look at […]